Owl’s Nest Review: Snapdragon by Kat Leyh

Snap’s town has a witch. Well, no one knows for sure if Jacks is really a witch, but people think she’s weird. People also think that Snap is weird. She doesn’t fit in at school and doesn’t have many friends, which is fine by her. Snap would much rather spend time...

Owl’s Nest Review: Echo Mountain by Lauren Wolk

During the Great Depression, Ellie’s family moved to Echo Mountain to live off the land, leaving the life they knew behind. After a terrible accident, Ellie’s father is left unconscious and her family has to struggle in the woods without him. Not willing to just sit...

Owl’s Nest Review: Nightbooks by J.A. White

Alex is great at writing scary stories, but this makes him the weird kid at school. One night, tired of being seen as different, he decides that he’ll destroy his notebooks in the basement burner of his apartment building and start fresh. Unfortunately, Alex gets...