The Teen Zone

Staffed Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday, 2pm – 6pm

Located in the main library building, the Teen Zone is a separate space dedicated to teens in grades 7-12. Teens are welcome to the Teen Zone during regular library hours. The Teen Zone is staffed and monitored on weekdays during after-school hours. There are computers, limited craft and coloring supplies, board games, card games, and puzzles available for use at all times. The Nintendo Switch is available for use during staffed after-school hours only.

Search for Books
YA Programs and Events
Teen Volunteering

Library Resources

YA Suggested Reading
Britannica School
Gale: Middle School

Summer Reading

Westbury Middle School Summer Reading Assignments
Westbury High School Summer Reading Assignments
Carle Place Schools Summer Reading Assignments

Teen Volunteer Blogs

YA Review Crew Blog
Teen Virtual Art Gallery
Teen Virtual Cookbook
Helpful Links
Keep in Touch