Conduct Policy

Notice for Parents/Guardians

The Westbury Memorial Public Library’s Policy on Library Conduct states that no individual or group has the right to create an atmosphere in the library that discourages other members of the community from enjoying its uses. Behavior that maintains a quiet, orderly, safe and welcoming atmosphere is expected. Below is a set of rules that we expect each student to follow:

  • Students should speak in low voices and behave in an orderly manner at all times
  • Obscene or abusive language is prohibited
  • Loitering inside or outside the Library is not permitted; students must be involved in constructive activities to stay in the library. These include using technology devices, reading, studying, playing board games or puzzles.
  • The library will not tolerate aggressive physical behavior of any kind. If witnessed by a staff member, the student will be asked to leave and the authorities may be called.
  • The library is not responsible for personal belongings. It is recommended that students keep their belongings with them at all times.
  • The consumption of food or beverages within the Library is not permitted.

Students who do not comply with any of the above policies will be warned by a member of the Library staff. After one warning, if the actions continue, Library staff members will use discretion regarding whether to give users a second warning or ask the offenders to leave the Library property. Library employees shall contact the appropriate law enforcement agency(ies) if deemed advisable.

Please keep in mind that the library is a public building and the staff is not responsible for your child. The Library does not serve as a supervised after-school program. Students are responsible for their own conduct and they are expected to comply with the above rules.

We ask that, as a parent/guardian, you speak with your child about appropriate behavior at the Library and support us in creating a safe, welcoming environment for the entire community.